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Download War Legends game for pc and android apk

Download War Legends game for pc
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war of legends game free download for pc and android apk
Download Games War Legends War Legends PC full direct link, a legendary game involving many fictional characters and superheroes, known among some as the game of the myth for free, we guarantee that you like the likes of others with the game, see all the elements within the three-dimensional technology, Sounds and sound effects as if they were real, sounds footsteps footsteps on the ground, fighting and weapons, the total size is equivalent to 116 Mb, which is very suitable in what the possibilities of the game but can say the excitement provided by you is much larger than this size, your task this time a bit different, long My lands wide, you have to go to the enemy camps yourself in order to win or die and you are trying to win after loading the computer games.

War Legends
After downloading War Legends, the game begins with instructions and instructions that will make you fully aware of how to play and control, and then begin your long journey in search of the restoration of the occupied territories, your enemies are innumerable, unidentified beings from another planet, To all the inhabitants of the earth and the occupation of houses and cities, and turning the planet into a land belonging to them, you are the only one able to stop them and spoil all their schemes, your task will not be easy in the shadow of the adoption of the bad guys on some of the mysterious methods of fighting, most notably the magic and sorcery and call the dead, Incredible fictional events Just aim to have fun.

Download Nature War Legends: -
Heroes: many differences including durability, old war clothes worn by each of them, along with speed in movement and walking, as well as shape and color, etc., the game gave each character a special name, so that it is easy for players to identify them with those names, A sharp weapon may be a hammer, a sword, and so on. They also have many unique moves and combat capabilities. You can take a hit with a limited number of hits, especially when the game is filled with the legendary online game.

Cities: The battles and wars revolve around a number of different squares of myth, a vast territory which makes you able to move with all your freedom, the ground is rocks and stones, with the emergence of mountains on both sides of the roads, visual effects that increase the realism, Lighting, in other words day and night, fights in the morning and in the evening, so you enjoy a constant renewal without feeling bored.

Download War Legends game for pc and android apk
Wars: The situation is a bit different from the common system of action and fighting games. Here you control a large number of heroes and legends, not just one character, and therefore the responsibility for the game of War Legends is increased by the height of excitement and excitement, Increase the chance of winning. If a hero is eliminated, there are others to follow. As you move forward, new forces appear in different shapes, characteristics and abilities than before. Of course, increase the strength of your enemies with advanced levels. Use your strongest weapons and ammunition. , Took the switch between the characters of a Diversification in the knockout strikes, along with maintaining their own energy.

War Legends: -
All stages are free and unpaid.
Differences between the heroes each other increase the sense of renewal.
Includes a variety of weapons.
3D Battlefields


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